Wednesday, June 16, 2010

tomorrow's ASC Agenda

This was just forwarded to me but with no venue. So I guess it'll be a surprise. Please excuse the crap formatting.


1. Call to Order Skip Trimble, Chair

2. Approval of the minutes from the April 22, 2010
Animal Shelter Commission Meeting

3. Chairman’s Report Skip Trimble, Chair

- New Parking Decals for Commission members

4. Animal Services Manager’s Report Kent Robertson

Animal Services Manager

- Statistics Oct 09 – May 2010

- Community Outreach Efforts

- List of all civil seizure cases involving cruelly

treated animals this fiscal year to date; with

number of animals; and their ultimate disposition.

Also, what if any criminal charges were filed

against the owner.

- Status of Animal Cruelty Cases referred to District Attorney’s Office

- Follow-Up Items From Prior Manager’s Reports

- Follow up Items From 4/22/10 Meeting

5. ASC Advisory Group Updates & Discussion

Skip Trimble, Chair

6. Old Business Kent Robertson, Animal Services Manager

- Animal Services Citation Dispositions

(How to track)

7. New Business Skip Trimble, Chair

- Why can’t citations be mailed via certified mail

or left on door?

- Discuss new ordinance re requiring finder of a

stray dog to locate owner

- Request that staff notify Commissioners in advance

of any animal issue to be presented or discussed

at any City Council Meeting or Council Committee


- Question and/or discussion of items in Staff Commission Update of 5/14/10

- Review Rescue Group Transfer Agreement

8. Public Comments

9. Adjournment

A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following:

(I deleted this bit to save space - FP)


Cindy said...

Very good tho, having an agenda proves they met even tho they broke the law, again! regarding 72 hour notification on the website. I did see, yesterday, that there is an ethics meeting tomorrow, perhaps all of us should attend that one to see if the "problem" of this group's law breaking, is discussed!

Cindy said...

Have you disappeared? or have you been sleuthing to learn what went on at the meeting and what HSUS recommended?