A couple of months ago, a blogger with the typical "I know better" outlook decided to advise readers to spy on any neighbor who might be a (gasp!) hoarder.
Here is the link to the post, along with the comments.
I was clearing out some bookmarks earlier today and revised the page. I was surprised to see that my comment (the last one made) had *not* been censored. Anyone care to hazard a guess why it's still there?
I'm guessing that the author simply became weary of checking for new anti-spying comments. She's since returned to recycling very old tips about checking for animals in foreclosed homes and such, when not singing her own praises.
For example, she has described herself as a "very dedicated volunteer". Miss, either you're dedicated or you're not. Please don't abuse your adjectives in public.
I do not know if you saw the comments she deleted but they were right in what they said. I saved a copy of them somewhere!! They were people I knew from other lists.
Hey Cynthia! It would be great to see those. I just posted, now we'll see if I pass moderation.
Here is what I think she cut out:
bestuvall says:
July 27, 2010 at 8:16 pm
Why would you want to convict someone who has a mental illness?/ and this article is disgusting.. reminds me of Nazi Germany..and we know where that lead…. If you think someone has “too many animals” why not offer to HELP them? You have a lot of nerve stating what YOU think people should do.. Invite friends over to give them access to the animals.. have a “clean and tidy home”? leave people alone for God sake.. it is NONE of your business.. hey.. get a REAL JOB..instead of telling people to invade the privacy of others..
Marie says:
July 28, 2010 at 10:56 am
Why are you asking people to “spy” on their neighbors? I didnt realize this was not America anymore. What is considered too many animals? Is there some majick number? What if the animals are elderly and living out their last days in comfort? They can look “unhealthy” to a person that doesnt know. Should we all kill our elderly animals because someone considers them “unhealthy”?
Owning multiple animals does not make a hoarder.
WTF says:
July 28, 2010 at 12:18 pm
I can’t believe you are trying to turn people into nazi’s. You know, this is how it started. Maybe we need to send someone to YOUR house.
Anna Nirva says:
July 30, 2010 at 8:21 am
Let me put this another way. If you observed these circumstances in a neighboring home, what would you do: many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles; strange chemical smells in the air; trashy yard; syringes in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect a meth lab? Would you try to alert the authorities? Would you take notes about your observations to help the authorities get more information?
Here’s another one. If you observe young girls wearing very revealing clothing living in a neighboring home; many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles at all hours of the night; condoms in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect child slavery and prostitution? Would you want the authorities to check?
Put the nazi word away. You don’t need to be insulting to make a point. When is the privacy argument going too far? Let’s have a real dialog here.
BTW, I’m going camping for 3 days and will not be able to approve comments until Monday. I’m not ignoring you.
bestuvall says:
July 27, 2010 at 8:16 pm
Why would you want to convict someone who has a mental illness?/ and this article is disgusting.. reminds me of Nazi Germany..and we know where that lead…. If you think someone has “too many animals” why not offer to HELP them? You have a lot of nerve stating what YOU think people should do.. Invite friends over to give them access to the animals.. have a “clean and tidy home”? leave people alone for God sake.. it is NONE of your business.. hey.. get a REAL JOB..instead of telling people to invade the privacy of others..
Marie says:
July 28, 2010 at 10:56 am
Why are you asking people to “spy” on their neighbors? I didnt realize this was not America anymore. What is considered too many animals? Is there some majick number? What if the animals are elderly and living out their last days in comfort? They can look “unhealthy” to a person that doesnt know. Should we all kill our elderly animals because someone considers them “unhealthy”?
Owning multiple animals does not make a hoarder.
WTF says:
July 28, 2010 at 12:18 pm
I can’t believe you are trying to turn people into nazi’s. You know, this is how it started. Maybe we need to send someone to YOUR house.
Anna Nirva says:
July 30, 2010 at 8:21 am
Let me put this another way. If you observed these circumstances in a neighboring home, what would you do: many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles; strange chemical smells in the air; trashy yard; syringes in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect a meth lab? Would you try to alert the authorities? Would you take notes about your observations to help the authorities get more information?
Here’s another one. If you observe young girls wearing very revealing clothing living in a neighboring home; many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles at all hours of the night; condoms in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect child slavery and prostitution? Would you want the authorities to check?
Put the nazi word away. You don’t need to be insulting to make a point. When is the privacy argument going too far? Let’s have a real dialog here.
BTW, I’m going camping for 3 days and will not be able to approve comments until Monday. I’m not ignoring you.
I have tried to send that two times and while it looked both times like it went thru, it said it was too large....I will try splitting it if it does not show.
Part 1 bestuvall says:
July 27, 2010 at 8:16 pm
Why would you want to convict someone who has a mental illness?/ and this article is disgusting.. reminds me of Nazi Germany..and we know where that lead…. If you think someone has “too many animals” why not offer to HELP them? You have a lot of nerve stating what YOU think people should do.. Invite friends over to give them access to the animals.. have a “clean and tidy home”? leave people alone for God sake.. it is NONE of your business.. hey.. get a REAL JOB..instead of telling people to invade the privacy of others..
Marie says:
July 28, 2010 at 10:56 am
Why are you asking people to “spy” on their neighbors? I didnt realize this was not America anymore. What is considered too many animals? Is there some majick number? What if the animals are elderly and living out their last days in comfort? They can look “unhealthy” to a person that doesnt know. Should we all kill our elderly animals because someone considers them “unhealthy”?
Owning multiple animals does not make a hoarder.
WTF says:
July 28, 2010 at 12:18 pm
I can’t believe you are trying to turn people into nazi’s. You know, this is how it started. Maybe we need to send someone to YOUR house.
Part 2
this is her response but then later she removed most or all of those!
Anna Nirva says:
July 30, 2010 at 8:21 am
Let me put this another way. If you observed these circumstances in a neighboring home, what would you do: many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles; strange chemical smells in the air; trashy yard; syringes in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect a meth lab? Would you try to alert the authorities? Would you take notes about your observations to help the authorities get more information?
Here’s another one. If you observe young girls wearing very revealing clothing living in a neighboring home; many frequent, short visits by a wide variety of vehicles at all hours of the night; condoms in ditches nearby; unkempt thin children that appear to be unwatched too often? Would you suspect child slavery and prostitution? Would you want the authorities to check?
Put the nazi word away. You don’t need to be insulting to make a point. When is the privacy argument going too far? Let’s have a real dialog here.
BTW, I’m going camping for 3 days and will not be able to approve comments until Monday. I’m not ignoring you.
I have tried 4 times to send that blog stuff, I'm sure you have seen things posted by bestuvall, she was one poster, One was named Marie and the other was WTF
They were all good posts I thought.
Why did it start acting up after you changed the color, or did YOU chanage the color? I don't really remember it doing that before.
The color change was actually a Blogger template change. I changed the template as some people found the first one hard to read. It didn't have anything to do with Blogger creating a comment spam filter.
I posted a comment on the SS page - I am sure they will delete it (its their RIGHT you know!). In it I did my usual and asked why they do not go and help people when they see that people need help, and suggested some labor intensive, fingernail dirtying type of help. That ALWAYS makes them absolutely livid. Always.
Now to the silly question about the "neighboring home". What I see is illegal aliens buying brand new expensive vehicles when they have only been in this country 3 months and have no visible means of support, the guy beating his girlfriend, 5 kids not even school age that never seem to wear shoes, and those short, up the stairs, open the door, and run back down the stairs type of visits on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights ALL NIGHT LONG after it gets dark. Now -- I should call the police WHY???
I am curious why someone from the police force was put in McGill's job??? and then on that poor puppy that was picked up and put down after being abused, and THEN checked for MICROCHIP?
Why were microchips made mandatory for al animals "adopted"? and all animals that were NOT ALTERED? if they weren't going to check them? BEFORE KILLING THEM? I would like to know if that puppy was UNALTERED!!
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